Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Puddle Jumping

We've been having some serious downpours here in Richmond over the last month or so. Ainsley always wants to go out with her umbrella and usually, due to thunder, lightening and extremely heavy rain, I say no. However, a couple of weeks ago as the rain tapered off and the lightening faded, I said yes.

Ainsley had a ball jumping in puddles. Have I mentioned that I love my new camera? There's a setting where you can hold down the button and it will take picture after picture. I think I got some really great shots.

Freddie just chilled in the stroller...but he seemed to enjoy the fresh air.

Would you believe in these pictures, my little bug had strep throat, a double ear infection and a virus? Yes, when last I blogged it was just strep, but while I was in New Orleans Clif took her back to the doctor because the fever had not broken and we added double ear infection and virus to the mix. Poor little girl. But she's feeling much better now. Just a lingering cough.

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