Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Austin Has Arrived

It's official. Ainsley is no longer the only grandchild. Introducing Austin Nathan!

He arrived at about 5:15 AM today and weighs 7lbs 6ounces and measures 19.5 inches.

I'm so excited to go meet him, but we have to wait until baby brother arrives. Maybe at the end of April we can go for a visit.

Speaking of baby brother, we had another doctor's appointment yesterday. This time with an ultrasound. Baby is fine, but some not so great blood pressure is elevated and I have protein in my urine which could mean preeclampsia. Oh, and the ultrasound measures him at 8lbs 5 ounces. Since Ainsley was a pound and a half off from her ultrasound estimate, I put no faith in that. However, I am measuring at 41 weeks, so that's not such great news. He may be a big boy.

As for the possibility of preeclampsia...I am keeping my fingers crossed that both issues are related to my most recent cold and cold medicine. I'm going back in tomorrow morning to have both things rechecked and then we'll go from there.

So please say a little prayer that everything is fine and I don't get put on bed rest and that I don't have this kid tomorrow. I'm totally not ready! I'll have to beg the doctor for another week!

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