We started Friday night by pulling all the furniture out of the room, taking down the switch plates and drawing a line around the center of the wall. We're putting a chair rail up so we decided to do two colors.
If you know me, you know that I LOVE brown. And I really adore chocolate brown. I really think it's the perfect color. It looks good on everyone, it goes with everything and it gives everything a very finished, classy look. So when I found out I was having a boy, I knew that chocolate brown would be a part of the nursery. I'm not really in to the traditional pinks and blues. It's not that I don't like them, it's more that I don't want that to be the overwhelming color in a room. We picked out a nursery set that is brown, green and tan. My initial thought was to paint the nursery brown...but considering I have dark furniture and the room is already kind of small, I figured that was a bad idea. Enter the chair rail idea. I could paint half the wall brown and the other half something much lighter. So we went with brown and white.
Anyway, Friday night we did a lot of prep so we could hit the ground running this morning. Ainsley even got in on the action with finger paints. I put her in one of my old T-shirts. She had fun but it did not hold her attention for very long. Which meant we would have trouble on Saturday trying to paint and entertain her.
This morning we set Ainsley up with some movies in the crowded office (we moved all the furniture in there) and we got to work. I was really thinking we'd just get the brown up and save the white for tomorrow or later this week. However, our good friends Jeff and Amy came over to help and we were finished with it all by 1 PM!
Now, all that's left is the chair rail which will be done by Clif, Jeff and my future brother-in-law, Mike in a few weeks.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago