Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Miss Cuteness

We got our camera back today and we transferred all the pictures from Denise's camera to a CD at CVS so we were able to load them to the computer. So now I'll have pictures and I have a few cute stories to tell about Ainsley.

This weekend Carolyn and Mike came to babysit Ainsley so Clif and I could go to a wedding. Then we spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out with our visitors and relaxing. Today Ainsley got to ride the train at Short Pump for the first time. She was very excited and immediately asked for "More?!"

So there are a few stories that I haven't thought to write about until this afternoon. They basically just involve Ainsley being totally cute and amazing...what else?

A few weeks ago Clif and I were changing the hinges and handles on our cabinets in the kitchen and we had to stand on chairs to reach the top level. Ainsley was running around doing her own thing and then she'd stop and say "Mommy, what you doning up dere?" (what are you doing up there) and I'd say, "Mommy's fixing the cabinets." She'd look at me, then look at Clif and say "Daddy, what you doning up dere?" and he'd say "We're fixing the cabinets." Then she'd stare at us and finally say, "Nooooo, Mommy, what you doning up there?" and this would just continue until something else caught her attention.

The second story happened today. After sitting in the car, waiting for Clif to get our camera from Best Buy, Ainsley said "Daddy, you back from store?" and he said yes. She got very excited and said "Good job, Daddy!" and Clif laughed and said "Thank you Ainsley." Then she said, "You welcome, Daddy! High fives?" Clif and I were laughing hysterically. I don't know where she comes up with these things.

Finally, while we were at CVS this evening (and we were there for awhile) Ainsley found a pair of toy binoculars. She decided they were actually a camera. So she walked around the store saying things like "Teeese Mommy," "Teeese ball," "Teeese baby," "Teeese purse." Teeese means "Cheese!"

Well, that's about it. Back to work tomorrow. My mom is coming to watch Ainsley this coming weekend so we can go to another wedding. Here's to everyone having a quick week.

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