The Redskins beat the Cowboys yesterday, and if you are a Redskins fan, you know what that means. Whoop, whoop!!! Down with Dallas, Hail to the Redskins!
We had a very busy weekend. Lots of fun, but very busy. Friday night I picked up Ainsley and we went to meet my friends Carrie and Anna for dinner. Carrie's daughter, Addie, is just 8 days younger than Ainsley.
Saturday was a friend's baby shower. A bunch of us were there with the little ones. We were able to get a few pictures.
and Grayson
were born within a few months of each other. Their mom's, Carrie and Shanna, were two of my closest friends in college. So it was nice to be pregnant with them. It's so great when we get them all together. The only sad thing is that Shanna lives 3 hours from here and Carrie lives 2 hours. With full time jobs and toddlers, it is tough to ever get them together. It was great to have them all together on Saturday. They still don't really play together, but it's fun for the mommies.
Saturday night we went to a 4 year old's birthday party where there were loads of kids, all right around Ainsley's age. She had fun running around with all the little people. And she loved "driving" the jeep.
Sunday we went to celebrate NonNon's birthday and attend church where she was being honored for starting the Bell Choir.
We went to lunch and Ainsley showed off for the family. She was in rare form, and NonNon fed her ice cream.

We went to lunch and Ainsley showed off for the family. She was in rare form, and NonNon fed her ice cream.
So now another week underway...I'm still looking for a new job but no luck yet. Also, Ainsley slept through the night twice this weekend! Amazing. I think it may have to do with the fact that I stopped nursing last week. I decided it was time...I think it may have been harder on me then it was on her. I don't know, she still has her moments. I am a little sad...not to stop nursing, I think I was ready for that...but because she's not a baby anymore.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago