Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend in Raleigh

This weekend we all went to visit my sister and her boyfriend in Raleigh. They have lived there for over a year, but since I put the kabosh on travelling in my third trimester and then we had a baby, we have not been down until now. Carolyn (Aunt DeeDee) and Mike live in a one bedroom just outside of the city. It's actually right on the Raleigh/Cary line. We got there Friday night and I'm happy to say that Ainsley seems to be warming up to "Strange Friends" (these are people that know and love Ainsley, but being that she's so young they are pretty much strangers to her...I know that a lot of these people don't like to be called strangers, so this is my new term for them. Plus most of them are strange :) sooner than she used to. She was kind of shy at first and she cried when I left the room but she was soon talking and playing with my mom and sister.

Saturday, Carolyn, Mike, Clif and I went to the World Beer Festival in downtown Raleigh. We had planned on taking Ainsley with us and carrying her around in the Baby Bjorn all day, but my mom doesn't pass up an opportunity to babysit. So she came to town and watched Ainsley on Saturday. We were only gone about 5 hours, which Ainsley slept 2 of...yeah, she never sleeps that long for me! But, mom got to take her for a walk and they went to a park.

We went to dinner last night where Ainsley had her first taste of Mexican fried beans and rice. We left Raleigh this morning and are now home.

I'm glad we got to spend some time with my family. I feel like they are all so far away sometimes. I grew up living next door to my grandmother, so I had a constant family connection. Aunts and uncles and cousins were always around which was nice. Ainsley doesn't have any cousins yet, but when she does I hope that we can keep them close. Some of my best memories are with my cousins at family reunions or sleep overs or whatever. I really want that for her, and I hope that distance doesn't cheat her of that.

Tomorrow it's back to daycare and work :/ Next weekend we plan on working on our sleeping issues, I'm not looking forward to it. I am, however, looking forward to a couple weeks of quiet...if we can get her sleeping that is.
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